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Monday, 1 August 2011

What Causes Asthma

Medical authorities say asthma is a severe allergic disorder that is common in children and adolescents.  Affected people have hyper-responsive airways, the key element in asthma.  The airways when exposed to various triggers become inflamed and narrow, thereby restricting natural flow.
The airways produce excess mucus in response to the inflammation, which further blocks the flow of air.  In the airways the small muscles may also contact in spasm, leaving the asthma sufferer distraught and breathless.  Asthma sufferers may experience one or more of the following symptoms according to a medical doctor:
  • asthma chest pain
  • breathing difficulty
  • wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing)
  • coughing (with or without thick sputum)
People with asthma have airways that are irritable or supersensitive to things that do not bother people who do not have asthma.  This things are called triggers.  According to Lung Center Asthma Club if you are an asthmatic and you are near or come in contact with triggers, they may start an asthma episode. Your airways become swollen, produce too much mucus, and tighten up.  The Club enumerates the common cause that triggers asthma episode.
What causes asthma
  • molds
  • cockroaches
  • cold
  • pollens from trees and grasses
  • strenuous exercise or physical activity
  • changes in temperature or weather
  • house dust mites present in dust
  • irritant substances like smokes from cigarettes and wood
  • scented products (hair spray),
  • cleaning products (odors from fresh paint)
  • automobiles fumes
  • showing strong feeling of crying or laughing
In some cases asthma sufferers may have inherited the disease from other member of the family.  A doctor explained that some people carry an abnormal form of a gene which controls the production of an antibody.  People with this genetic defect are also vulnerable to conditions such as hay fever, allergies and eczema.  A famous doctor noted that more than half of the children diagnosed as having asthma will never have an asthmatic attack as an adult.  Another ten percent will have only occasional attacks during adult life. 
In an article, Take Care of Yourself, medical doctors noted that some people have only one or two episodes of asthma and are never trouble again, other people will have daily attacks; these severely compromise their activity to function normally.
Asthma treatment
  • Therapy provides relief of symptoms, but must also work to remove the cause, whether it is infectious, allergic or emotional
  • Hydration therapy is recommended.  According to doctors water and other fluids taken by mouth are very important.  Water can help loosen the mucus in the lungs and make breathing easier.
  • Symptomatic relief of asthma is provided through a variety of prescription medications.  Doctor says corticosteroids drugsare effective in severe asthmatic patients.  They block the smooth muscle contractions that narrow the airway passages but also have many side effects like growth retardation.  If possible nebulizer should be avoided; it may cause fatal reactions added the doctors.
  • Doctors recommend swimming.  It appears to be the best sport for asthmatic patients.  Exercise programs with long and steady energy requirements seem to work the best says the doctors.
Source:  Tacio, Elena, "Understanding This Breathing Difficulty Called Asthma." Mr & MS Magazine 
4 Nov. 97  (

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