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Thursday, 25 August 2011

5 Most Effective Website Security Tips

Proper security of your website is of fundamental importance. Whether you are a web-master or a website user, it keeps your nerves calm and gives you the feeling of being secured. With the increase of online competition and the availability of cheaper web hosting, one can find profusion of websites on the internet. But with cheaper web hosting availabilities, the risk has also increased. It is generally found that people don’t understand that saving some bucks by cutting down the security related costs don’t really do any good rather it creates further trouble as their vulnerability increases and it is the main reason why there is an alarming increase in the intrusion of various sites by the hackers.
Well, don’t get unnerved as here you’ll get to know 5 Most Effective Website Security Tips:-
1. Assessment of the Vulnerability
You need a Vulnerability Scanner to assess the vulnerability of your site. It is a tool that checks out a system or network and finds out all possible weaknesses and creates a report along with feedback that can then be used by the administrator. Vulnerabilities related to various web applications like firewall security violation, SQL injection, XSS security breach. Special scanners are available for the assessment. One very popular open source scanner is Nikto. One can also think of using Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner.
2. Testing the Penetration
This is a kind of security testing which involves deliberately planned attack on the website in order to test the security of the site. This is the most recommended step to be carried out by the commercial websites. Howsoever smart the security be, it can never be full-proof as there are several cunning minds who use equally cunning software to break down the security measures like c99 madshell script written in PHP is one such clever script that smartly breaks away the security of WordPress web hosting.
3. Web Application Firewalls
Web Application Firewalls are expensive but efficient applications that keep the websites well secured. Larger and more advanced websites essentially use these firewalls.  These are designed in such a way that they finely tune the web application and keep a constant check on the HTTP traffic and the leakage of data by being positioned in between the client and server.
4. Tools for Client Security
Safety of a server can always be well managed by the web masters yet risk management should not be neglect and must be kept in top priority because one doesn’t know what may happen in the future. Thus, it is important for the webmaster to advise the clients to use some browser based security tools that will save them from any kind of loss. XSS me Firefox add on; inbuilt XSS filter for Internet Explorer 8 are some such security tools.
5. Application Whitelisting
Application Whitelisting is a kind of whitelisting in which only the authorized applications are allowed to be executed, interpreted, or run. This way all the doubtful looking applications are kept away and any unauthorized changes are soon detected thereby maintaining the safety.

How to Use a USB device in a virtual machine for Windows7

Use of USB 2.0 devices is supported by the Windows Virtual PC and for this the device is required to be shared or redirected to the virtual machine. Now you will be able to use any of the methods depending on the type of USB device you are going to use.
When you install the Integration Components package in the guest operating system, storage devices, printers, and smart card readers, all these are attached to the host and this is why they get automatically shared with the virtual machines. However, the drivers that are installed in the host as well as the guest operating systems, for them you don’t need any additional steps for using such USB devices, though printers are not included in this type.
You can use the other types of devices by simply redirecting them to the virtual machine. These types of USB devices include – digital cameras, phone/mobile/PDA device, wireless network adapters, MP3 players, portable media players, webcam/ video camera, etc.
Now, you’ll have to undergo the following steps for redirecting a USB device to a virtual machine:
1.        First of all, you’ll have to attach the device to the physical computer and get the device  turned on.
2.       Now click on the USB and then click on the Attach device name from your virtual machine window. This will make the Windows to look for the device driver in the guest operating system and then get it installed out there. A similar kind of installation can also be done either from the internet or from an installation disc.
3.       Once the driver is installed, the USB device can be used from within your virtual machine exactly in the way in which you would have it on a physical computer. But you need to be aware of the fact that when you connect the USB devices using these steps, you won’t be able to share them, so you will have to release them from one operating system in order to have them for use on the other operating system.
4.       And for creating the availability of the USB device on the host operating system, you’ll have to release it from the virtual machine for which you’ll have to click on the USB and then click on the Release device name from your present virtual machine window.
Also note when you have to redirect a USB device to a virtual application, you’ll have to attach the device and turn it on and after that right click on the virtual application icon present in the task bar of the host, and finally click on the Manage USB devices. And after this simply choose the device.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Independence Day


Choosing a proper career option is not an easy task. There are several factors which you need to consider when you choose a career for yourself. The first and foremost question that you must answer is whether you would obtain proper job satisfaction by choosing the stream. The job or career path that you choose should provide you with sufficient scope to develop and grow. Frankly speaking it should have a well pay. It is always better to opt for a career stream which offers a lot of added benefits in terms of work quality and exposure. Before looking for these qualities in a job stream, it is also essential to make sure about your credentials.Your choice should be something suited to your skill sets. You should spend some time reflecting on your talents and personality before you decide for a stream for yourself. Be sure about all your strengths and weaknesses and then begin with the process of resume preparation. 

This article discusses some guidelines that need to be kept in mind when career options are considered. Make a list of the activities that you enjoy the most. You may enjoy reading books and magazines a lot. If those catchy magazines and news papers attract you a lot, then you are better fit for something like an editor or a book publisher. The task of an editor is never that easy. It has a lot of challenges and make sure you are trained enough for that purpose.

Are you one of those who enjoy using electronic gadgets? 

Does the mechanism of working of these gadgets deeply interest you? 

Do you develop a curiosity in you every time you see sophisticated machines? 

If your answer is yes, then nothing can be better for you, than a job of an engineer. Engineering in itself is a very vast stream; it is not simply restricted to web technologies or software industry. This field has a lot to offer in other aspects like mechanical engineering, civil engineering etc. There is lot of scope and large number of companies that can satisfy your urge to know things. You may even chose for somebetter career options like research oriented activities. 

If you are one those having a lot of sympathy for the sick and old, if you feel an inner urge to relief the ailing people from their diseases then it is better for you to chose the field of medicine. This field is very vast in itself. It comprises of various kinds of specialists and technicians. You can opt for being a surgeon or a medicine specialist. You may even prefer being an ultrasound expert technician. This field will allow you to do some good work for the mankind. You will get a lot of opportunity to serve people and cure them from illness. By being an expert in diagnosis you will prevent the spread of several infectious diseases by detecting them early and within time. You may even develop better cures and treatments by proper research. Thus you have a lot of options to choose from.

Source :

Computer Course is Compulsory for?

Computer courses have become compulsory for most of the jobs today. All the companies these days utilize computers and they always prefer people who are computer savvy. For people who know how to operate a computer can learn the work procedure very quickly as compared to people who do not know anything about computer. So the companies find iteasier to train people who have the computer skills. With the introduction of clauses like compulsory computer education for bank jobs, many education boards are taking a stand to introduce compulsory computer courses from the school level itself. The government has also provided a lot of financial aid to many colleges so that computer education can be introduced there. There also have been many schemes which were specially designed for the people belonging to the weaker section of the society, so that they can learn the basic computer skills in order to become capable of applying for jobs.

Most of the colleges these days have introduced the computer courses wherein practical exams have been made compulsory. It is important to have practical classes for computer courses because it is only through actual practice one can learn about the functioning of the computer. Courses pertaining to computers have become a necessary factor to procure a job in today’s era. Depending on the nature of the job, one needs to access the level of computer education that would be necessary for that job. For example if you want to opt for a career in the IT field, then it is necessary to complete a degree course in computer sciences. There are many computer courses which can increase your chances of getting a job and a better pay package.

Generally the requirement and standard of computer courses can be determined by your specific career goals. For people who are already a part of an organization, then they can look out for computer courses through which they can enhance their existing skills which are specific to their area of work. These days there are a lot of computer courses that are available online and one can easily enhance their skills through it. But many of the organizations look for computer certificates from government approved institutions and therefore some people cannot opt for the online courses because it will not provide them with the required certificates. If your aim is not to provide any certificate for computer courses, then you can easily explore the internet and indulge in a particular computer course. If the computer course is too complicated then it is better to attend a classroom coaching for that so that you can have a better understanding of the finer concepts. Some of the computer courses can be a bit expensive, so you need to ascertain whether it is necessary to undergo that course in order to propel your career in the right direction. Consulting an expert from the field of computer science can give you a better idea as to which computer courses would be ideal for your career path.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

How to Connect Effectively to Your Student and Family but Still Maintain Professionalism

One of the most challenging parts in the teaching profession is in how the teacher can connect effectively with students and families while maintaining professionalism. If you are a teacher your role is not confined in the four corners of the classroom; you have to extend way beyond in order to reach out an connect to your students  and families. Teaching is one of the few professions that need a diverse and versatile personality; where the teacher needs to be one person in different personalities who could adapt to different situations where the need arises.
The teacher is usually an adviser, a counselor, a mother, a nurse, a friend and a playmate, especially for the small kids, a sister or a brother to the older students and a colleague to the parents. Above all these, a teacher must always build a good relationship with students and families. Your closeness to your students and families doesn’t mean that you need to disregard your role as a teacher in order to build that relationship. It doesn’t have to be like that at all. What the student and the family needs is a teacher who will also be a friend.
No matter how close you are to the student and his family, you have to maintain professionalism. Being a friend to your student and his family does not mean that you will stoop down as low as being considerate to the student who does not deserve a passing grade. It does not mean that the student will do what he wants and you will bow to his wishes because he and his family have become your friends. No matter how close you are to your student and to his family, you should always keep a space between you so that you can maintain your proper place as a teacher.
Although not all students abuse the teacher’s closeness to them, it is always right as a teacher to maintain professionalism. You cannot allow your student to treat you as his equal by placing his arms around your shoulder while you are walking or inviting you to a drinking spree where they will soon think that you are game. If you allow this to happen, chances are that your students will likely lose their respect to you and treat you like their peers. No matter how close you are to your students, there are always limitations to it. Always bear in mind that you are still the teacher and you should not give away yourself for the sake of friendship.
To maintain the respect they have for you; always keep a good record and do not allow it to be tainted because once your students see something in you that they could use against you, you will be in trouble. The same is true with the families, no matter how close you are to the families, do not overdo it. Keep something for yourself so that people around you will respect and trust you as a teacher.
To develop a better relationship, you should always keep a pleasant personality yet maintain your professionalism as a teacher to your students. The students and their families will be closer to you if you show them that you are a person whom they could rely on and they will respect at the same time. Teachers must always maintain that confidence and not let their students rule over them even if they own half of the school you are teaching. Remember that you were hired to teach in that school and you should maintain that position you got.
Teachers must limit how much they should befriend their students and the students’ family. By doing this, you can be close but they will treat you as a teacher. There is a disadvantage if you let your student completely enter your life. The respect could diminish and there is a tendency that your student could offer you something in exchange of good grades.
This is against the ethics but there are students who develop closeness to their teachers so that they could manipulate and use their teacher to their advantage. You don’t want this to happen of course so keep your profession intact and be a responsible teacher who deserves respect from the students and their families.
In some situations, the student or family could offer lots of things to the teacher in exchange for something that they need in school but this could be avoided if you do not allow bribes to get through your friendship. If your student starts inviting you almost every weekend, you can decline by honestly saying that you are too busy. Learn to say no when things are getting out of hand to protect you from being exploited by your students and families. You should be responsible enough to do what a teacher is supposed to do. Teachers do not mess with their students because they are professionals. It is not bad to be close to students and families but when something fishy starts brewing, the best thing to do is stop before it is too late.

Source :  

How to Acid-Wash Your Swimming Pool

Acid-washing your pool will make it look clean and sparkly. If your pool hasn’t been cleaned in a while, if it seems to sprout algae often or if it wasn’t winterized properly, acid-washing can make it look like new again. This process strips the top layer of plaster off your pools surface so the fresh plaster underneath is revealed; it’s sort of like a face lift for your pool. Though it does help your pool look better, acid-washing your pool is not something you want to do often. If you can’t see the bottom of your pool, then it’s so far gone that acid-washing won’t help; it’s best to get to your pool before things get to this stage.
Drain Your Pool
Drain your pool of all the water. Be sure you remove all debris as the water drains out of your pool.
Wear Protective Gear
Put on protective gear like long pants, long sleeved shirt, goggles, mask, gloves and boots. You can’t be too careful with the acid mixture.
The Acid-Wash Mixture
The mixture you need to use is: one gallon of muriatic acid, available at pool stores, home and hardware stores, to one gallon of water. Mix it in a watering can and be sure to add the acid to the water and not the other way around.
Hose Down Your Pool
Use your garden hose,without the nozzle so the water flow won’t be to strong. Wet down one of the walls of your pool and then completely cover the pool wall in the acid mixture. Leave this mixture on for at least 30 seconds while you scrub the wall down with a stiff brush, being careful not to get the mixture on any part of your skin.Immediately rinse the wall as thoroughly as you can and move on to the next wall.
Pool Leftovers
After you wash and scrub down the entire pool, you’ll have a puddle of residue in the center of the pool. Neutralize this with soda ash so the mixture won’t contaminate the ground water. You can buy soda ash at pool supply stores and hardware stores. The mixture you should use is 2 lbs of soda ash to 1 gallon of acid. Pour this mixture into the puddle and start scrubbing it and then remove the puddle with a submersible pump. Pour water over any residue that’s left and rinse the drain carefully.
You might have to repeat this process a couple of times to get your pool really clean. The second time around, try increasing the acid/water ratio and scrubbing the walls a little harder. Be sure you always rinse the water completely so it won’t continue to eat away at the plaster in your pool.
If you get any acid mixture in your eyes, flush them for 30 seconds with water.
Don’t use this technique on a vinyl-lined pool.
Supplies You’ll Need:
Protective clothing
Rubber Boots
Watering can
Soda ash
Watering Hose without a nozzle
Submersible pump
Source :  

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Artists, Craftsmen Celebrate 50 Years of Art in Toronto

Toronto - Hundreds of people turned up for the biggest arts event in Toronto during the weekend concluding on Sunday at Nathan Phillips Square.
TORONTO - More than 500 artists and craftsmen using 14 different media, are showcasing their finest works at Nathan Phillips Square in celebration of the 50th year of the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition.The three-day event, billed by organizers as the largest of its kind in Canada, concludes on Sunday, July 10 with art discussions slated in the afternoon.The most number of participants is in the painting category where there are 95 artists.
The various media and their contributors include: ceramics, 27; mixed media, 23; drawing, 21; jewellery, 20; photography, 16; sculpture, 16; watercolor, 15; glass, 13; printmaking, 13; fibre, 12; wood, 8; digital media, 7; and metal, 5.

The exhibits are complemented by art talks and art walks at the Toronto City Hall rotunda.One of the attention-grabbers are the exhibits by artist Carina Mae Francioso, a recent graduate of the University of Waterloo. Wet, luscious lips in different shapes and sizes are the dominant themes of her paintings."What I like doing the most is capturing the wet feeling on the lips that looks like it's dripping but it's not, and the moisture you can actually see it but it's not actually there. It's just oil paint," Ms. Francioso explains during a brief interview on Saturday (July 9, 2011).

A stand-in for artist Silvia Taylor whose medium is glass.

Man uses spider webs to create works of art

A New Jersey man spends a lot of time outdoors, collecting the central pieces for his works of art - the webs of spiders.
Emil "Rocky" Fiore, 59, mounts the webs on glass and sells them. He has been doing this for about 35 years and estimates 15,000 of these webs are now in circulation.He read about catching webs when he was a child and kept the idea in the back of his head."The web is a thing of beauty. It’s all about what they do, but there is an art or sophisticated craft to what I do," he told The Star-Ledger.Fiore takes varnish, spray paint and glass plates with him as he walks through the woods. When he finds a web he feels is suitable he breathes onto the spider so that it will leave, sprays the web with silver paint and aligns it with a piece of glass before spraying it with varnish. He sprays the reverse side black when he gets home.He will not disturb a spider which is feeding and tries not to take too many webs from one individual, although he says a spider casts an average of five webs per day.He considers himself to be a friend to spiders, as well as their ambassador to humans. He said that by showing people the beauty in the web their admiration and respect for arachnids will increase.His biggest fright during web collecting was when he unknowingly got too close to an alligator with young in Florida."It sounded like a threatening exhale, and then I saw her," he told The Star-Ledger."She was telling me I was getting too close. I was shaking, I never knew terror like that."Most of the time he loves what he does."With every catch comes an (I got cha) moment, like hooking a big one. It's a beautiful day. I'm alone in the woods, looking for gems. Yes, gems! Pearls! When I find one, I'm exhilarated. The web shimmers and dances in the sunlight with the slightest breeze. The silk refracts light casting rainbows of color at me. It is a thing of beauty and I wax ecstatic, but the capture demands all my attention," he states on his website Whirled Wide Webs.He explains the difference between what he collects and cobwebs."A cobweb is an obscure mass of silk that has no form or format or style; it’s just strands," he told the New York Times. "A spider web shows some form of architecture or style. They’re called spider webs or orbs. Both are used to ensnare prey."He added that indoors mostly cobwebs are found, and that they are designed to catch anything that crawls into them. The webs he collects are designed to catch flying insects.If he finds dead creatures in the webs they remain as part of the art.

Source :

Monday, 1 August 2011

Education is what education does!

It is a process through and by which a raw individual is transformed in to a cultured and civilized person. It is by this process of education, one is trained in the art of living. Education thus, is a man making process.
Education does and should not only enable an individual to acquire knowledge but it also should equip him with the discernment to perceive what is right and what is wrong. Wrong education not only jeopardizes the very purpose of it, but also it damages the very scope of human life.
Acquisition of knowledge or access to information is a very narrow objective of education. Education must create competent, confident, disciplined and self-reliant citizens. Schools take up this immense task. Hence, the importance of good schools. The ultimate purpose of schooling is not to make students answer questions, but to question the answers. Education must provoke a person to think. Academic excellence alone will not lead a man to success. On the contrary, a disciplined person certainly stands a better chance in attaining success in life.
Re Vera is fully aware of the above. We believe that education is a lifelong process and that learning is for life. We realize the individuality of each child and the fact that a child is not a miniature adult. Thus the need for individualized care and attention. Hence, our policies are so designed.
We are focused towards achieving the goal of being able to contribute citizens to the nation, who are globally competitive.
Yours in the cause of education,

B M Subramanya Swamy M.Sc, B.Ed
CIE Co ordinator & Examination officer

What Causes Asthma

Medical authorities say asthma is a severe allergic disorder that is common in children and adolescents.  Affected people have hyper-responsive airways, the key element in asthma.  The airways when exposed to various triggers become inflamed and narrow, thereby restricting natural flow.
The airways produce excess mucus in response to the inflammation, which further blocks the flow of air.  In the airways the small muscles may also contact in spasm, leaving the asthma sufferer distraught and breathless.  Asthma sufferers may experience one or more of the following symptoms according to a medical doctor:
  • asthma chest pain
  • breathing difficulty
  • wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing)
  • coughing (with or without thick sputum)
People with asthma have airways that are irritable or supersensitive to things that do not bother people who do not have asthma.  This things are called triggers.  According to Lung Center Asthma Club if you are an asthmatic and you are near or come in contact with triggers, they may start an asthma episode. Your airways become swollen, produce too much mucus, and tighten up.  The Club enumerates the common cause that triggers asthma episode.
What causes asthma
  • molds
  • cockroaches
  • cold
  • pollens from trees and grasses
  • strenuous exercise or physical activity
  • changes in temperature or weather
  • house dust mites present in dust
  • irritant substances like smokes from cigarettes and wood
  • scented products (hair spray),
  • cleaning products (odors from fresh paint)
  • automobiles fumes
  • showing strong feeling of crying or laughing
In some cases asthma sufferers may have inherited the disease from other member of the family.  A doctor explained that some people carry an abnormal form of a gene which controls the production of an antibody.  People with this genetic defect are also vulnerable to conditions such as hay fever, allergies and eczema.  A famous doctor noted that more than half of the children diagnosed as having asthma will never have an asthmatic attack as an adult.  Another ten percent will have only occasional attacks during adult life. 
In an article, Take Care of Yourself, medical doctors noted that some people have only one or two episodes of asthma and are never trouble again, other people will have daily attacks; these severely compromise their activity to function normally.
Asthma treatment
  • Therapy provides relief of symptoms, but must also work to remove the cause, whether it is infectious, allergic or emotional
  • Hydration therapy is recommended.  According to doctors water and other fluids taken by mouth are very important.  Water can help loosen the mucus in the lungs and make breathing easier.
  • Symptomatic relief of asthma is provided through a variety of prescription medications.  Doctor says corticosteroids drugsare effective in severe asthmatic patients.  They block the smooth muscle contractions that narrow the airway passages but also have many side effects like growth retardation.  If possible nebulizer should be avoided; it may cause fatal reactions added the doctors.
  • Doctors recommend swimming.  It appears to be the best sport for asthmatic patients.  Exercise programs with long and steady energy requirements seem to work the best says the doctors.
Source:  Tacio, Elena, "Understanding This Breathing Difficulty Called Asthma." Mr & MS Magazine 
4 Nov. 97  (
Created by Mr.Sanjay Lone